IPL Photofacial in Flowood

Reverse signs of Aging with Lumecca

Using IPL, we at Highland Medical Aesthetics offer a cutting-edge solution for skin rejuvenation. Lumecca delivers remarkable results in treating various skin conditions, like sun damage, age spots, and vascular lesions. This powerful IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) technology is known for its efficacy in improving skin tone and texture, providing a clearer and more youthful complexion with fewer treatments.

Meet Lumecca- the most advanced and effective IPL- requiring fewer treatment sessions. e are proud to offer IPL Photofacials in Flowood using the latest, and most innovative IPL technology.

IPL Treatment Highlights

Treatment Time- 15-45 minutes depending on treated areas

Recovery Period- none

There are many types of chemical peels. At Highland Medical Aesthetics, we use ZO Skin Health® products to improve your skin’s texture and complexion.

IPL treats:

  • Fine lines and Wrinkles

  • Freckles

  • Texture Issues

  • Sun Spots

  • Age Spots

  • Acne

  • Telangiectasia / Visible Capillaries

frequently asked questions

  • Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is a type of light therapy used for various dermatological procedures, including hair removal, photorejuvenation, and treating certain skin conditions. Unlike lasers, which emit a single wavelength of light energy, IPL in Flowood releases light of multiple wavelengths, allowing it to target various chromophores (skin components that absorb light) in the skin.

    Here are some key aspects of IPL:

    Versatile Treatment: IPL can treat a range of skin issues, such as sun damage, age spots, freckles, rosacea, certain types of acne, and broken capillaries. It's also effective for hair removal.

    Photorejuvenation: IPL is popular for its ability to improve skin tone and texture, resulting in a more even complexion. It helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, giving the skin a more youthful look.

    Non-Invasive: IPL treatments are non-invasive and typically involve minimal downtime, making them a convenient option for those seeking cosmetic improvements without significant disruption to their daily activities.

    Customizable Treatments: The settings of IPL machines can be adjusted according to the specific skin type and condition being treated, making it a versatile tool for various skin concerns.

    Mechanism of Action: IPL works by emitting pulses of light that penetrate the skin and are absorbed by either the blood (in treating vascular lesions) or the melanin (in hair removal and pigmentation therapy). This absorption process damages the target cells without harming the surrounding tissue.

    IPL treatments should be performed by one of our qualified and experienced professionals, as the procedure requires precise settings and techniques to be effective and safe.

  • Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) works using a broad spectrum of light that targets specific structures within the skin.

    Here's a breakdown of how it operates:

    Broad-Spectrum Light: Unlike lasers, which use a single wavelength, IPL utilizes a broad spectrum of light with multiple wavelengths. This allows it to target different skin issues.

    Targeting Chromophores: In the skin, there are chromophores (components that absorb light) such as melanin (which gives color to hair and skin) and hemoglobin (found in blood vessels). IPL targets these chromophores depending on the treatment purpose.

    Selective Photothermolysis: IPL uses the principle of selective photothermolysis. The specific wavelengths of light are absorbed by the target chromophores, converting light energy into heat energy. This heat then selectively damages or destroys the targeted cells (like hair follicles or pigmented cells) while sparing the surrounding tissue.


    Hair Removal: For hair removal, the light is absorbed by the melanin in the hair follicles. The resulting heat destroys the follicle, inhibiting future hair growth.

    Skin Rejuvenation: For treating pigmentation, sun damage, or age spots, the light targets melanin. In vascular lesions like spider veins, it targets hemoglobin.

    Acne Treatment: IPL can reduce acne by targeting and reducing the inflammation and bacteria.

    Cooling Mechanism: Most IPL devices have a cooling system to protect the skin's surface and make the treatment more comfortable.

    Treatment Course: Multiple sessions are usually needed for optimal results, as IPL is most effective on hair in the growing phase or on newly developed skin cells.

    It's important to have IPL treatments done by one of our expert staff at Highland Medical Aesthetics in Flowood, as they require proper technique and settings for safety and effectiveness. The professional can adjust the IPL device's settings based on individual skin type and the specific condition being treated.

  • The experience of pain or discomfort during an Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatment can vary from person to person. Generally, IPL is considered less painful compared to other hair removal methods like waxing or electrolysis, and even some laser treatments. However, some individuals may experience mild discomfort during the procedure.

    Here's what you might expect:

    Sensation During Treatment: Many describe the feeling of IPL as a rubber band snapping against the skin. The level of discomfort often depends on the treatment area's sensitivity and the individual's pain threshold.

    Cooling Mechanisms: Modern IPL devices often come with cooling features to minimize discomfort and protect the skin's surface during treatment.

    Intensity Level: The sensation can also depend on the intensity of the light pulses, which can be adjusted by the practitioner based on your comfort level and skin type.

    Skin Sensitivity: Areas with thinner skin, like the upper lip or bikini area, might be more sensitive compared to areas with thicker skin.

    Post-Treatment Sensation: After the treatment, you may experience some redness or mild swelling, similar to a mild sunburn. This usually subsides within a few hours to a couple of days.

    If you're concerned about pain, discuss it with your practitioner at Highland Medical Aesthetics. They can provide more information on what to expect based on the specific treatment area and your skin type, and may offer options to increase your comfort, such as applying a topical numbing cream before the procedure.

  • The timeline for seeing results from an IPL in Flowood treatment can vary based on the specific skin concern being addressed and individual responses to the treatment.

    Here's a general overview:

    Immediate Results: Some immediate improvements might be noticeable right after the treatment, such as a more even skin tone and a radiant glow. However, redness and swelling are also common immediately post-treatment.

    Progressive Improvements: The most significant results usually appear gradually over several weeks. IPL treatments work by stimulating the skin's natural healing process and collagen production, which takes time.

    Multiple Sessions: For many conditions, a series of IPL treatments is necessary to achieve the best results. The full effect of these cumulative treatments typically becomes evident a few weeks after the final session.

    For hair removal, it usually takes several sessions (spaced about 4-6 weeks apart) to catch all hair in the active growth phase. Results become more noticeable and impressive after each session.

    For skin rejuvenation (like treating sun damage, age spots, or rosacea), you may start seeing improvement after the first session, with more significant results after subsequent sessions.

    Long-Term Results: Following the completion of a treatment course, the results can last for several months to a year, depending on the issue treated, your skin type, and how well you take care of your skin post-treatment.

    Maintaining the results with good skincare practices and protection from sun exposure is crucial. It's also important to follow the specific post-treatment care instructions provided by your skincare specialist at Highland Medical Aesthetics. They can give you a more precise expectation based on your individual treatment plan.

IPL Before and After Photos

Client Testimonials

ipl reviews


“I recently completed a series of IPL treatments at Highland Medical Aesthetics for my freckles and sun damage, and I am in love with my results! After just the first session, I noticed my skin was brighter and more even-toned. By the end of my treatment course, the sunspots that bothered me for years had significantly faded. The whole process was comfortable, and Itzel is amazing and made me very comfortable.”


“I had those tiny, spider-like veins on my cheeks, and honestly, I was self-conscious about them. I decided to try IPL treatment at Highland Medical Aesthetics in Flowood, and it's been fantastic! The treatment was much easier than I thought – and only required a few sessions. I started seeing those little veins fade away after the first visit. Now, my skin looks so much clearer and I feel more confident. The team at Highland Medical Aesthetics was super understanding and supportive throughout the entire process.”

Meet Your Highland Med Team

At Highland Medical Aesthetics in Flowood, we believe that the first step towards a successful treatment journey is forming a strong, trusting relationship with our team. When you visit us, you'll be greeted by professionals who are not only experts in their field but also genuinely caring and approachable. Our team takes the time to get to know you, understand your concerns, and guide you through your options. We pride ourselves on creating an environment where clients feel heard, respected, and an integral part of their treatment process.

Our approach to IPL treatment at Highland Medical Aesthetics puts you, the client, at the forefront of every decision. We understand that each individual’s skin journey is unique, and that’s why we tailor our treatments to fit your specific needs and goals. In our hands, you’re not just another appointment in the book; you’re a valued member of the Highland Medical family. Our team is here to provide expert advice and support, but ultimately, you're in control of your treatment journey. We strive to make the process as collaborative and transparent as possible, ensuring you feel comfortable, informed, and empowered at every step.